Saturday, June 1, 2024

576. Givonna Joseph

576. This week we welcome Givonna Joseph to the podcast to discuss 19th-Century classical music among New Orleans' gens de couleur libres (Free People of Color). "Ms. Joseph is committed to the culture of New Orleans, the city of her birth. This is most evident in her research on 19th-century classical music of New Orleans's Free People of Color. As Founder and Artistic Director of the award-winning OperaCréole, Ms. Joseph’s research has recently been featured on NBC Nightly News, NPR, and in magazines such as 64 Parishes and Atlas Obscura. She was previously honored as a "Standard Bearer " of Louisiana culture on Le Grand Tour, a documentary for French TV, and locally on Music Inside Out. She was featured in cover articles in BreakThru Media Magazine and NOLA Boomers magazine."     
  1. Now available: Liberty in Louisiana: A Comedy. The oldest play about Louisiana, author James Workman wrote it as a celebration of the Louisiana Purchase. Now it is back in print for the first time in 220 years. Order your copy today!
  2. This week in Louisiana history. June 1, 1862. Gen. Benjamin Butler declares the port of New Orleans reopened for commerce to all friendly nations.
  3. This week in New Orleans history. Beginning of the Esplanade Streetcar Route on June 1, 1861. A trip to City Park during the early 1860s required a ride from the city by horse and carriage on unimproved roads. Transit companies saw an opportunity to capitalize on the growing popularity of City Park by adding new lines.
  4. This week in Louisiana.
    The New Music on the Bayou Festival is back on June 5-8, 2024! Hear new music in unique settings, then meet the composers themselves. All concerts and events are free to the public thanks to our generous supporters. Join us in person at the locations listed below, or online here
  5. Postcards from Louisiana. The Palmetta Bug Stompers play at the dba.
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